At the end of the course, the student is expected to demonstrate the following cognitive abilities and psychomotor skills.
1. Remembers and states in a systematic way (knowledge)
Various concepts, definitions,laws and principles of macroeconomic theory with
referenceto income, employment, money, banking and finance
2. Explains (understanding)
a.the difference between various concepts and components of national income with
illustrationsand methods of measuring national income
b. various terms, concepts, laws and principles, theories relating to income,
employment, consumption, investment, money, price-level and phases of trade
d. functions of commercial banks and central bank, creation and control of credit
3. Critically examines using data and figures (analysis and evaluation)
a. in order to understand the interrelationship between various components of national
b. the theories of macroeconomics with reference to their assumptions, implications
and applicability
c. Empirical evidences of Consumption and Investment Functions and factors
influencing them
4. Draws critical formulae, diagrams and graphs.
a. consumption and investment functions; concepts of multiplier and accelerator
b. price indices, inflation and trade cycles

Information technology is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data or information. The field is typically used within the context of business operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies.